Educational Grants

Millington’s is a small independent charity that awards modest education grants each year to students from Shropshire, who are under 25 years of age.

Grants can be made available if linked to an applicant’s intended career or educational interests, whether or not the applicant is currently at school, college or university. Previous awards have been made to support education in medicine, science, music and drama; for the purchase of books and IT equipment; to assist with accommodation expenses, and for foreign travel including GAP years. We will be pleased to hear of new plans, and of things we have not considered before.
The value of a grant will depend on personal circumstances and the cost to the applicant; typically grants have ranged from £250 to £1000, but are not usually made available for routine costs.



Please complete the application form in as much detail as possible. Let us know how you intend to meet the costs of your course/interest, and in particular any potential financial help from your parents or other sources. We appreciate that young people wish to be treated as independent, but the trustees have a responsibility to ensure the grants are made to those who need our support the most.


Grants may be made to young people under the age of 25, including persons with a disability, or those suffering from a severe or chronic illness, or other difficulties such as a family crisis.
Applicants must be residents in or in education in the county of Shropshire, which means the area administered by Shropshire County Council before the Local Government Act 1992. Please note that grants cannot be made to schools, colleges, or societies; only individuals are eligible.

Charles Darwin

His father Dr Robert Darwin was Chairman of Millington’s Charity during the 19th century. Despite his father’s opposition, Charles Darwin took a GAP Year that lasted for five years. He returned with material for his book, On The Origin of Species, which changed our view of the world.

James Millington and the Almshouses

James Millington was a wealthy Shrewsbury draper, who died childless in 1738. Under the terms of his will, provision was made for the foundation of a school for “20 poor boys and 20 poor girls”, and for an alms-house with accommodation for “12 poor and elderly people of Frankwell and the parish of St Chad’s”.

The school went through various changes, and the responsibility for its maintenance was eventually transferred to Shropshire County Council. James Millington’s interest in education now survives through the grants made by the Foundation

The Foundation, now a registered charity and administered by a board of trustees, continues to provide accommodation in the original alms-houses at the foot of Copthorne Road and The Mount. In 1994 the alms-houses were entirely modernised and extra accommodation was provided in a new apartment block.


Please provide the trustees with as much information as you can about why an education grant would be helpful to you. All information is treated in complete confidence. Please fill in the online form or download a printable version here.